Dave Oldham Consulting Inc. provides labor relations consulting tailored to fit your individual needs. Dave blends traditional and modern collaborative techniques in resolving disputes in the labor relations arena. Local associations will benefit from the following services:

  • Collective Bargaining
    Dave provides consulting expertise to assist a local association to negotiate its first or any successor agreement. The local chooses to use either traditional or collaborative models and Dave will aid the local bargaining team to prepare proposals, present the package, and bargain to conclusion the new contract. If necessary, Dave will aid the local through mediation and all other steps necessary to reach a successful new agreement.

  • Agent of Record
    Dave serves as agent of record for the local association as defined in O.R.C. Chapter 4117.

  • Strong Local Association
    Dave advises the local association, its officers and members, and coordinate local activities for the purpose(s) of promoting and supporting a strong local association and to assure parity in the employer/employee relationship between the Board of Education and the local membership.

  • Advice & Counsel
    Dave provides advice and counsel to the local President, local officers and local members, as required, to assist them in the operation and management of the local with respect to its relationship to the Board of Education, and with respect to advancing the interests of its members as employees of the Board of Education.

  • Grievance Processing
    Dave provides the local association with all services and support to maintain and enforce its collective bargaining agreement with the Board of Education. These services will include advice on how to draft the grievance, processing at the Superintendent, Board and arbitration steps, and all necessary assistance to successfully enforce the contract.

  • General Assistance
    Dave provides general assistance to the local association on individual labor relation matters involving the local association members, as directed by and coordinated through the local association President.

  • Representation
    Dave represents the local association at all meetings with the administration of the Board of Education, or with the Board of Education, in the capacity of consultant and agent of record, as directed by the local association President.

  • Terminations & Non-Renewals
    Dave represents the local association members at all termination and non-renewal proceedings, and coordinates such representation with legal counsel for the local association members as required.

  • OEA/NEA Legal Services
    Dave serves as the first step in the OEA/NEA Legal Services Plan and thus he coordinates with the OEA/NEA Legal Services Plan Administrator, and/or Legal Services Consultant, on all matters of representation of the local association and the local association members, as required.

  • OEA/NEA Services
    Dave serves as the link between the local association and its members to the services of the state and national organizations.

  • SERB Filings
    Dave prepares and files all necessary reports and papers as may be required to advance the interests of the local association before the State Employment Relations Board in any matter properly brought before the State Employment Relations Board, as permitted by the State Employment Relations Board and law.

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